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Down For Disruption

For Your Listening Pleasure

Down For Disruption

Hosted By: AJ Write Mental
Down For Disruption is the show where we cause transformative trouble to change many narratives. This is where your patterns stop, and your healing begins. It’s a clarion call for substantive inner work. A guaranteed, very, very deep dive into understanding how early childhood trauma can make or break the midlife years of an brewing mental patient. 
That’s right! Menopause AND Bipolar Disorder. Estate Planning AND Empty Nesting. Mammograms AND Anxiety. ADHD AND Colonoscopies. Yes, Seriously.Hell! Dating after divorce AND broken vibrators!
Whaaat? The instructions never said what to do when the thing malfunctioned from overuse. Tee hee
But that’s not all. Down for Disruption is also global cry for systemic change to the US mental health care system, as well. We’re gonna talk at length about multi-generational trauma and how our maternal, and other, figures groomed low self-esteem in us. AJ’s favorite soap box about types of therapy, types of therapists, and therapy sessions won’t be forgotten. You’ll even take notes And actually learn quite a bit about the many types of mental health disorders and how they show up differently in black women, compared to other races. There’ll even be special emphasis on getting life all the way wrong for decades and starting over Only when you’re officially eligible for an AARP card. We’ll discuss the all too familiar feelings of inadequacy you’ve been teaming with from being told that you’re not good enough ever since that one-time wheeen…You fill in the blank.

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M-F: 9am – 6pm
S-S: Closed



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